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One Girl Can Change The World

One Girl Can Change The World

Album & Merch Design

One Girl:
Shuree, a Chicago-based pop artist at the time, needed a set of artwork for her album release “One Girl Can Change The World”. She needed album artwork, t-shirts, and a poster designed for a feature song “Broken is Beautiful”.

One Girl Album Cover and Broken is Beautiful Poster:
Shuree lived in Chicago and could not get to Arizona (where I lived at the time) for a shoot with me, so she had a local photographer take the pictures for the album and poster. I did all the post-production on the photos and graphic design work for the album and poster. A fun fact, the original release name for her album was going to be Broken is Beautiful. When she got the photos for the art done they took some shots with a broken piece of glass in front of her face, which was inspired by the original title. The first phase of the project was a promo poster for broken is beautiful. Shuree wanted a high fashion, really polished, and semi-illustrative look to her photo. She wanted extra makeup added in photoshop and the color to be fairly saturated. After digitally retouching her photo I added the type to the glass to create the final image.

The next part of the project was to create the album art. They wanted to use the same image from the poster but we needed to change it up a little to work with the new title, One Girl Can Change The world. So I created the new album art and added the logo they already designed. The original image for the back was shot by her photographer as well in front of a plain blue backdrop. I digitally added the wall and map to the image. Lastly, I created the CD art in Illustrator. Later she needed a poster and web banner for a remix album she released. I took a bunch of photos from her original shoot that she supplied, retouched them, and created the poster design.

One Girl and Broken is Beautiful T-Shirts:
Shuree also needed some shirts to sell on tour. She wanted 2 shirt designs for one girl and one for broken is beautiful. For The broken is beautiful I mimicked the way the type was laid out on the poster and added a shattering glass lotus. For the one girl shirt I created the globe using the lyrics for the song.

Client:  Shuree and BEC/ Tooth & Nail Recordings
Apps Used:  Illustrator, Photoshop

One Girl Can Change the World Album

Shirt Design

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