Twitch Art Stream
Hello there! I recently started a Twitch Art Stream and I really love it! It’s a fun place where anyone is welcome to come to hang out, chat, and watch me create. I have been working as a professional artist for over 20 years and I love to share my art, knowledge, and creative process with others while I work. I have a strong passion to create and connect with other creatives, and honestly, pretty much anyone else who comes along on my journey. This is also a great Twitch Community to just hang out and chat on, and of course, lurking is cool too. I hope for this to be a fun and safe place for everyone where we can make friends and grow together!
I started this Twitch Community for artists, creatives, and art lovers alike. It’s a creative live stream where we can be in a community with each other. It’s a great place to get to know other creatives, people who enjoy creativity and pop culture, and/or just chill while I’m working on different creative projects.
Most of the time this Twitch Art Stream is fairly chatty, there is something for just about everyone. I give art tips and techniques and talk about my process. We talk about all kinds of fun topics, like DND, Games, Movies, Pop Culture, Mythology, Lore, etc. Of course, we do still talk about art, art philosophy, and art psychology it is an art stream after all. I will discuss the deeper meanings, backstory, and symbolism of the pieces I’m working on. We talk about different creative projects. There will be times when I am quietly focused on creating, but I still try to be responsive to the chat.
This Twitch community has been great for me and my mental health, and I hope for everyone else who comes along as well. One of the hardest things for me, when I made the switch to full-time freelance, was being by myself. I am a people person and need to be around people. Being full-time freelance has been difficult at times, being completely by myself for an entire workday. I personally thrive in a community, especially a community of creatives.
Come hang out while I draw, paint, and create on Twitch!